error ERROR: Unable to create default group and server.
error No group of servers was found. Please create one in the setup.
Edit user config as raw data.
You see all default variables and which of them the user config overrides.
variable name | description | user value | default value |
auth | Internal authentication to protect access to the Apache status data. Set a username and the md5 hash of its password. Value(s): (A) Hash with 2 keys "user": [Name of login user (string)], "password": [md5 hash of your password(string)] OR (B) false to disable the login (and use a restriction in httpd config) |
- | "auth": { "user": "admin", "password": false } |
autoreload | Time to auto reload page. The array contains values in seconds that will be visible as a dropdown. Value(s): (Array) with integer values is seconds |
- | "autoreload": [ false, 10, 30, 60, 300 ] |
checkupdate | How often to check for an update. The value is in [s]. Value(s): (integer) value; The value 0 turns off the check. Default is 1 day. |
- | "checkupdate": 86400 |
datatableOptions | Javascript object for datatable. Do not override this. Value(s): (object); see docs on |
- | "datatableOptions": { "bPaginate": false, "bLengthChange": false, "bFilter": true, "bSort": true, "bAutoWidth": false, "bStateSave": true, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "oLanguage": "__LANG__" } |
defaultTemplate | Do not override this. Value(s): (string) |
- | "defaultTemplate": "out_html.php" |
defaultView | Default view is Server info page. Value(s): (string) |
- | "defaultView": false |
debug | Enable client debugging infos. Default is false. Value(s): (bool); set to true for developing or tuning |
- | "debug": false |
tmpdir | Temp directory. This directory needs write permissions. Value(s): (string) Default is tmp (= [Appdir]/tmp]). |
- | "tmpdir": "tmp" |
execTimeRequest | An array to define values in [ms] for long requests: one for warning and one for critical long requests. Value(s): (integer) |
- | "execTimeRequest": { "warning": "1000", "critical": "5000" } |
hideCols | Array of columns to hide. You can save some space not to display all colums. Warning: do not hide important rows! Value(s): (array) with names of columns. |
- | "hideCols": [] |
hideRows | Array of rows to hide. The first level is the name of the view. It is one of requests_running|requests_mostrequested|requests_hostlist|requests_methods|requests_clients or * for all views Below that key is a list of arrays with 4 values.
Value(s): (array) |
- | "hideRows": [] |
icons | Do not override this. Value(s): (array) |
- | "icons": { "adminservers": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-cubes\"><\/i> ", "adminsettings": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-cogs\"><\/i> ", "adminupdate": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-cloud-download-alt\"><\/i> ", "adminvendor": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-puzzle-piece\"><\/i> ", "adminlang": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-comment\"><\/i> ", "actionAdd": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-plus\"><\/i> ", "actionDelete": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-trash\"><\/i> ", "actionDownload": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-cloud-download-alt\"><\/i> ", "actionEdit": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-edit\"><\/i> ", "actionOK": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-check\"><\/i> ", "actionReset": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-times\"><\/i> ", "tab_config_user": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-user\"><\/i> ", "tab_internal-config_default": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-cog\"><\/i> ", "tab_Compare": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-flag\"><\/i> ", "title": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-square\"><\/i> ", "gotop": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-arrow-up\"><\/i> ", "group": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-cubes\"><\/i> ", "time": "<i class=\"fa-regular fa-clock\"><\/i> ", "refresh": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-sync\"><\/i> ", "skin": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-tint\"><\/i> ", "lang": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-comment\"><\/i> ", "logout": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-power-off\"><\/i> ", "export": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-download\"><\/i> ", "serverinfos.php": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-tasks\"><\/i>", "performance-check.php": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-chart-line\"><\/i>", "allrequests.php": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-bars\"><\/i>", "original.php": "<i class=\"fa-regular fa-file\"><\/i>", "utilization.php": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-tachometer-alt\"><\/i>", "help.php": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-question-circle\"><\/i>", "help-doc": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-book\"><\/i>", "help-draganddrop": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-arrows-alt\"><\/i>", "help-color": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-tint\"><\/i>", "help-thanks": "<i class=\"fa-regular fa-comment\"><\/i>", "update.php": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-rocket\"><\/i>", "server": "<i class=\"fa-regular fa-hdd\"><\/i>", "server_responsetime": "<i class=\"fa-regular fa-clock\"><\/i>", "requests_all": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-exchange-alt\"><\/i>", "requests_running": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-ticket-alt\"><\/i>", "requests_clients": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-laptop\"><\/i>", "requests_mostrequested": "<i class=\"fa-regular fa-file\"><\/i>", "requests_longest": "<i class=\"fa-solid fa-hourglass-end\"><\/i>" } |
lang | Currently active default language Value(s): (string); name of the language file in ./lang/ directory |
- | "lang": "en" |
selectLang | Selectable languages Value(s): (Array) of strings for selectable languages in the language dropdown |
- | "selectLang": [ "en", "de" ] |
selectSkin | Selectable skins Value(s): (array) of strings with skins for the skin dropdown |
- | "selectSkin": [ "skin-blue", "skin-black", "skin-red", "skin-yellow", "skin-purple", "skin-green", "skin-blue-light", "skin-black-light", "skin-red-light", "skin-yellow-light", "skin-purple-light", "skin-green-light" ] |
showHint | show box with hints for a section Value(s): (boolean); default is true |
- | "showHint": true |
skin | Currently active default skin. Value(s): (string) |
- | "skin": "skin-purple" |
skin-color2 | CSS class of the tiles and title bars in a graph Value(s): (array) one of bg-aqua|bg-red|bg-green|bg-yellow |
- | "skin-color2": "bg-aqua" |
tdbars | Table rows that show a bar; The max value has a full bar and all other values have a relative width Value(s): (array) with strings of table rows |
- | "tdbars": [ "thCount" ] |
tdlink | special links for table rows. Value(s): (array) with table row as key and a value |
- | "tdlink": [] |
views | list of the visible menu items Value(s): (array) with strings |
- | "views": [ "serverinfos.php", "performance-check.php", "allrequests.php", "original.php", "utilization.php", "help.php" ] |
viewsadmin | list of the visible admin menu items Value(s): (array) with strings |
- | "viewsadmin": [ "servers", "settings", "vendor", "update" ] |